Zhejiang Yuanheng international freight forwarding Co., LTD

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Logistics division prospects: logistics industry development trend

Logistics division prospects: logistics industry development trend

今后,The logistics industry will develop in the following directions: The reason why logistics has not attracted attention before the improvement of information level,The main reason is the low level of information technology,The level of modern information technology is not enough to control the entire system,But it's a lot easier than it used to be,This is mainly due to the development of the Internet and information technology。 This is mainly related to logistics related supporting facilities can not keep up with, as logistics technology support, the future development of the logistics industry is bound to have modern equipment。 High efficiency, low cost, rationalization is the same transport products, the transport method is different, the cost gap consumed is also very large, the efficiency of transport is also different, but also consider whether it is suitable for the domestic market。 Globalization With the integration of the world economy, products will move around the world。At the same time, the international alliance and mergers and acquisitions between enterprises in various industries in the world will also accelerate the development of the international logistics industry to the direction of globalization。Through the advantages of the Internet, timely and accurate grasp of the global logistics dynamic information, mobilize their own logistics outlets around the world, build the company's global integration of logistics network, save time and costs, the empty load rate compressed to a minimum, to provide quality services for cargo owners。 The greening of logistics can also be said to be recycling. Although logistics promotes the development of economy, the development of logistics will also bring negative impacts on the urban environment。The greening of logistics mainly includes two aspects,One is to control the pollution of the logistics system,That is to say, in the planning and decision-making of logistics system and logistics activities, the scheme with little environmental pollution should be adopted as far as possible,Such as the use of a small amount of pollution truck models,Close delivery,Transporting goods at night (to reduce congestion, save fuel, reduce emissions and reduce noise), etc.;Another aspect is the establishment of logistics systems for the disposal of industrial and domestic wastes,Form a virtuous cycle of the whole logistics supply chain。
Application of intelligent container electronic label

Application of intelligent container electronic label

Container is the main transportation equipment of international logistics, 90% of international freight is completed by container transportation, and more than 30 million TEU heavy containers circulate in the world every year。2005年,中国内地的集装箱吞吐量为7564万TEU,中国香港的集装箱吞吐量为1900万TEU。However, the supply chain management, information collection, tracking and monitoring of such a large-scale and international cargo circulation carrier - container is still completed manually, and only 65% of the real-time and accurate data is available。 The inspection of containers is important in international counter-terrorism operations, and currently only 5% of containers are inspected by customs each year。An effective set of intelligent containers that prevent illegal opening of containers and automatically read the status of containers through RFID technology is of great significance for customs cargo inspection and international counter-terrorism。The International Cargo Security Organization (ICSC) surveyed 100 of the world's top importers and exporters on their top concerns and found that container security topped the list。 Developed countries have carried out a series of research and development work such as intelligent security containers。自"9.After the September 11 attacks, the U.S. government conducted a comprehensive assessment of homeland security and identified land and sea transportation as the weakest link。According to the assessment of the US Department of Homeland Security, the loss caused by a container explosion at the port is about $7 billion, and it will cause a backlog of 60,000 containers at the port, and it will take about two months for the port to return to normal。In May this year, the United States House of Representatives and the Senate passed the Safe Port Act and the Maritime Safety Green Channel Act, requiring 50% of the world's containers entering the United States to use intelligent containers in 2007 and 90% in 2009。
What is green Logistics?

What is green Logistics?

Mr. Nishizawa, the authority of logistics cost calculation in Japan, has put forward the "logistics cost iceberg",It means that people do not know the overall content of logistics costs,When we raise logistics costs, we only see the tip of the iceberg above the sea,But the entire iceberg lurking in the sea is not visible,In fact, icebergs in the sea are the main part of logistics costs。 The "iceberg" theory of logistics cost also reveals the social cost caused by the unreasonable logistics structure of enterprises, which is environmental pollution。Any form of environmental pollution is rooted in the improper flow of materials, and the amount of flow reaches a certain scale, which exceeds the load capacity of the environment。Therefore, when enterprises carry out logistics management, they can not but consider the huge social cost caused by the resulting environmental pollution。 2.The non-green factors in the logistics activities of enterprises Modern logistics activities are composed of materials and commodities moving in space, storage of time moving, circulation processing, packaging, loading and unloading and other elements。All the elements in modern logistics activities pollute the environment in different degrees because of non-green factors。 The non-green factors in the transportation process are mainly manifested in two aspects: on the one hand, the transportation vehicles themselves produce relatively serious environmental pollution;On the other hand, the goods transported may also cause damage to the environment。For example, oil spills in the course of shipping and causes a large area of sea pollution, such pollution is often fatal, and will not return to normal for a long time。 The non-green factors in the storage process mainly have two aspects: First, the commodity storage center must use some chemical methods to conserve it,Such as spraying insecticide, bactericide,It will pollute the surrounding ecological environment.On the other hand,Some goods,Such as flammable, explosive, chemical dangerous goods,Due to improper storage,Explosions or leaks also cause pollution and damage to the surrounding environment。
Transport characteristics of dangerous goods

Transport characteristics of dangerous goods

Dangerous goods are generally industrial raw materials or products, with its special physical and chemical properties, in the contact and treatment process must comply with the corresponding rules, so as to avoid accidents, causing disasters, its transport link is a technical and professional work, the main characteristics are: 1.There are many kinds and different nature According to the danger of dangerous goods, the dangerous Goods Classification and Name Number (GB6944-2005) divides dangerous goods into 9 categories and a total of 22 items。Each item also contains specific dangerous goods, the "dangerous goods List" (GB12268-2005) has reached 2,763 names。The 2,763 types of dangerous goods and the number of new dangerous goods added every year vary greatly in their physical and chemical properties。 2.High risk As a special category, dangerous goods have great danger in road transportation, which is easy to cause casualties and property losses。Dangerous goods transportation accidents caused great harm, such as March 29, 2005 occurred on the Beijing-Shanghai expressway liquid chlorine leakage accident, the driver and escort fled after reporting, delayed the emergency evacuation time, resulting in 28 deaths, more than 20,000 mu of land pollution, direct economic losses of 29.01 million yuan。In the nine categories of dangerous goods, each category has its own unique dangers, and has strict requirements for external conditions。
Characteristics of modern logistics enterprises

Characteristics of modern logistics enterprises

Characteristics of modern enterprise logistics: With the development of enterprise logistics, not only the scope and function of logistics activities are further expanded, but its characteristics compared with traditional logistics have the following characteristics:  (1) Application of information technology  Modern logistics is characterized by the introduction of high-tech means on the basis of traditional logistics, that is, the use of computer information networking, scientific management of logistics information, so that logistics speed up, improve accuracy, inventory reduction, cost reduction。This extends and magnifies the function of traditional logistics。Information replaces the position of the first element of "transport capacity" in traditional logistics, and logistics information system will be an important pillar for the development of modern logistics。The development of logistics informatization enables enterprises to respond more quickly, operate more standardized, provide more comprehensive services, have more diverse functions, and have more modern information。  (2) Customer relationship management  Modern logistics is customer service logistics, and customer service is the driving force of logistics innovation。Traditional logistics management focuses on the integration of internal operation and organization。The corresponding management of downstream users is still focused on service quality。Under the supply chain management model, enterprises gradually emphasize the integration between enterprises, and gradually pay attention to marketing and management of customer relations. Logistics management has been upgraded from the processing of goods to the management of the value of goods and services, and tailor-made for them。In particular, it has increased a series of activities such as product sales and after-sales service, taking customer service as the value orientation and emphasizing customer service orientation of logistics operation。  (3) Integration of logistics functions  In modern logistics, enterprises, driven by greater competitiveness, will integrate according to their respective functions to establish a logistics network covering major cities across the country。According to the principle of mutual cooperation, each member unit optimizes resource allocation, realizes resource complementarity and sharing, and implements unified documents and SOP (standard operating procedure) for customers. Through this joint planning and operation, a highly integrated supply chain channel system is formed, and the overall performance of the channel is greatly improved。
The difference between logistics area and bonded area

The difference between logistics area and bonded area

A free trade zone (FTZ) is an economic and trade zone under special management with isolation facilities。The goods may enter and exit freely between the bonded area and the overseas territory, exempt from customs duties and import link taxes, exempt from examination of license documents, and exempt from routine customs supervision procedures, except for goods prohibited from import and export by the State and special provisions。    Also known as the bonded warehouse area, is approved by The State Council, customs implementation of special supervision of the economic area, is China's current degree of openness and freedom of the largest economic area。Its function positioning is "bonded warehousing, export processing, transit trade" three functions。According to the current relevant policies, the customs shall exercise closed control over the bonded areas, and the goods from abroad shall exercise bonded control when entering the bonded areas.Goods from other parts of China entering the bonded area shall be regarded as leaving the territory;At the same time, foreign trade, foreign exchange management and other departments also implement relatively preferential policies for bonded areas compared with those outside the region。    The bonded zone has the functions of import and export processing, international trade, bonded storage and commodity display, enjoys the policy of "certificate exemption, tax exemption and bond", and implements the operation mode of "domestic customs". It is one of the economic regions with the highest degree of opening to the outside world, the most convenient operation mechanism and the most favorable policies in China。    International logistics area is a collection of warehousing, distribution, processing, multimodal transport as one of the domestic and export goods preparation, the main functions of commodity distribution, cargo distribution and container transfer 。
Yuanheng freight

Mainly engaged in export trade, freight forwarding, booking, customs declaration, inspection, warehousing and other related businesses, and can undertake port land transport, railway, sea and other transportation services to meet the needs of customers。

Add: No. 44 Potang Village, Jianhu Street, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province


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